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Socialist Movement holds succesful education school

By Rukhsana Manzoor 31/08/2006

The Socialist Movement Pakistan (CWI) and the CWI in Kashmir held a very successful joint Summer School (cadre education school) in the beautiful mountains of Kashmir. Dozens attended the four day event, from 13th August to 16th August 2006, near Rawla Kot, in Pakistani-Occupied Kashmir. The School started with a discussion on war in the Middle East and on events in South Asia. The discussion was introduced by Musarat Malik and summed up by Khalid Bhatti. Many people spoke in this session.

The second session was introduced by Shahid Zaheer and summed up by Azad Qadri. This session focused on the social, economic and political crises in Pakistan. Almost all those attending participated in this discussion and there was general agreement on the main points raised.

The third session was on Leon Trotsky’s Theory of Permanent Revolution, its relevance today and application to Pakistan and the region. It was introduced by Khalid Bhatti and replied to by Rukhsana Manzoor. This was the longest session of this school.

The fourth session was on the Role and Tasks of a Socialist Party and was introduced by Rukhsana Manzoor and summed up by Dr. Tauqeer Gillani.

During the school, four commissions were also organised, to discuss the different aspects of party work.

This school has a big step forward for both the CWI in Kashmir and in Pakistan. During the discussions, it was evident that new comrades are politically and organizationally developing. The school provided them with the best opportunity, not only to further clarify their ideas and perspectives, but also to discuss practical work.

The youth work was also discussed at length and youth comrades decided to write a youth document and to make new general leaflets. It was also decided to organise a national meeting of the International Socialist Resistance (ISR), so as to launch the youth organization on 10 September.

The school ended with great enthusiasm and confidence that we can develop a strong and solid socialist organization.

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